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    carillon - Dictionary definition and meaning for word carillon

    (noun) set of bells hung in a bell tower Definition
    (noun) playing a set of bells that are (usually) hung in a tower
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christmas carroll songs are one where you can find bells being played....

carillon->"car","ill"..you take the 'car' and drive to the temple and 'play the bells' for the one who is 'ill'..

Beautiful glamorous CARON playing with bells ALONE.

car+il= if u dont have car then go to temple and and ring the set of bell

carilon - ca-ring-on = rings on a tower or church like a carol

car-in-lawn your car is stuck in lawn and you are belling for help

car+ on >> when we have bells hanging in our car for show and whn car starts, bells starts ringing..

carillon - car horn will be like a bell in the church.

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