• word of the day


    circumlocution - Dictionary definition and meaning for word circumlocution

    (noun) a style that involves indirect ways of expressing things
    Synonyms : ambage , periphrasis
    (noun) an indirect way of expressing something
    Synonyms : indirect expression
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for circumlocution

circumlocution -> circle + locution (loqui means to speak), speaking vaguely so as to avoid the topic.

in short ..ghuma fira kar bolna ;)

CIRCUM means circular..not straight..ghuma fira kar... and LOCUT .. means to talk ( as in locquacious:talkative) so... CIRCUMLOCUTION.. ghuma fira kar bolna :)

circum (circumference of a circle) + locution (elocution or to talk) meaning...to talk indirectly... in tamil we say it as touching the nose from behind the head

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