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    stipple - Dictionary definition and meaning for word stipple

    (verb) engrave by means of dots and flicks Definition
    (verb) make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink Definition
    (verb) apply (paint) in small dots or strokes Definition
    (verb) produce a mottled effect
    Synonyms : speckle
    Example Sentence
    • The sunlight stippled the trees
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for stipple

staple means to punch holes. stipple means to put dots.

[do not intend to hurt, but this is how i remeberd, see if it helps you too] rhymes with nipple...which itself can be considered dot over boob.And painting a boob....hence paint or draw with dots

stipple - to paint with the tip of the brush , to make strips/stripes or strokes

staple = stipple; same means to make a dot point.

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