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    tolerate - Dictionary definition and meaning for word tolerate

    (verb) put up with something or somebody unpleasant
    Example Sentence
    • I cannot bear his constant criticism
    • The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks
    • he learned to tolerate the heat
    • She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage
    (verb) recognize and respect (rights and beliefs of others)
    Example Sentence
    • We must tolerate the religions of others
    (verb) have a tolerance for a poison or strong drug or pathogen or environmental condition
    Example Sentence
    • The patient does not tolerate the anti-inflammatory drugs we gave him
    (verb) allow the presence of or allow (an activity) without opposing or prohibiting
    Synonyms : allow , permit
    Example Sentence
    • We don't allow dogs here
    • Children are not permitted beyond this point
    • We cannot tolerate smoking in the hospital

Word used in video below:
text: certainly I could tolerate Paige for a few hours.
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