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    adjutant - Dictionary definition and meaning for word adjutant

    (noun) an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer
    Synonyms : aide , aide-de-camp
    (noun) large Indian stork with a military gait
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for adjutant

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adjutant sounds like adjecent, your boss assistant will be sitting sdjusent to your boss. hence adjutant means assistant.

Sounds like sergeant,lieutenant in army , thus they are:an army officers who does office work and helps other officers

ADJUT(adjacent of an) ANT....ants usually assist one other to trace path..since all ants are side by side **** so fictitiously think that a staff officer ant is assisting path to the commander during the war ****

Adjutant= adjacent remember when main officer is oust from job adjacent assistant have to take responisibilities

ADmin of an ARMY TENT -- Adjutant

Take it as an Adjunct Lieutenant..one who follows his Commander and assists

adjutant ( adjective + ant) an adjective describe the quality of a word means it assists word to be described well. there adjutant is "assistant"

adjuntant - person assists a junta (military group) to over thrown the government.

ADJUTANT = ADD + JUT + ANT;ADD JUTY AUNTI for your support in work.

ADJUTANT<===> सेना का एक उच्च अधिकारी (pr. \\sena ka ek uchch adhikari \\ )[Noun] Example:He works as an adjutant for the Army cantonment in Hyderabad. ADJUTANT<===> सहायक (pr. \\sahayak \\ )[Noun

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