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    alliteration - Dictionary definition and meaning for word alliteration

    (noun) use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse
    Example Sentence
    • around the rock the ragged rascal ran
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for alliteration

sounds like literature iteration (observe the word very carefully). hence can be related to repetitions(iterations) in poems.

All+Iteration : iteration means repeating.

hindhi song- chandu ke chacha ne chandu ke chachi koh chandi ke chamchi se chatane chatai...so cha is alliteration

sounds like illiteration for an illeterate we have to repeat again.

add + letter makes it "add the same occurrence letter"

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add + letter makes it "add the same occurrence of letter"

ALLITERATION<===> अनुप्रास अलंकार (pr. \\anupras alanakar \\ )[Noun] Example:Repetition of the same consonant sound in a sentence is alliteration.

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