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    precipice - Dictionary definition and meaning for word precipice

    (noun) a very steep cliff
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for precipice

PRECI (PRESIDENT)+ PICE (PEACE). So if presedent wants peace then he will have to CLIMB a HIGH VERTICAL MOUNTAIN and meditate there. It will be a great PERIL for him.

think of the word "precipitate" and "ice". In pre-historical era the earth is covered by ice. And when ice melts, cliffs formed from precipitation. (may not be scientifically true, for easy to memorize only.)

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precipice~eye spy (chupa chupi : in hind); When children play eye spy they should take care that they are not around any cliff or dangerous positions

pre+spice => if u put spices in a dish well before u serve, u are putting ur reputation as a chef in a dangerous position. remember spice(JET) which is a low cost, not very safe airlines whch can put u in danger if u fly with it

putting a cip(ship) on ice(iceberg a kind of clif) is dangerous for its crew.

precipice sounds like principal...princi detained defaulter student fot their low attendance....now they r in dangerous situation

imagine a situation in which even d president pisses in his pants.that situation is bound to become a difficult one for its country..

precipice~ P+RECIPe+Ice Think like p=Prepare a recipe in an ICY mountain's cliff which is dangerous

precipice..sounds like perceive..so you have perceived that you are in dangerous position..as your base is surrounded by millitants.

precipitate is to cause to happen suddenly or abruptly ,violently..precipice is a cliff with sudden ac/proclivity ie it's a steep cliff/hill

precious spice -Imagine a desi holding on to precious spice - at the edge of the CLIFF. He is in a DANGEROUS POSITION.

p+re(rock)+ci(sea)+piece:-A piece of rock at sea....enjoy..:-)

Imagine the shaving cream/aftershave, its logo is actually a man sailing on rough seas, so it implies a kinda dangerous activity.

not a good one, still u cn try it : taking sip of ice is dangerous, u cn fall (from the hill) ill.

Precious recipe is usually dangerous.

taken from Latin praecipitium..prea(means thoroughly)+cipit/caput..means head.+ium..so throughly made of head(head is basically tough, hard part of body.so something tough, hard..like a rock and A CLIFF IS LIKE A ROCK.

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