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    solecism - Dictionary definition and meaning for word solecism

    (noun) a socially awkward or tactless act
    Synonyms : faux pas , gaffe , gaucherie , slip
   Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for solecism

SHOLEYcism...when you think of hindi movie sholay,who comes in your mind???? GABBAR....everytime he used to make mistakes while speaking because of his rustic or wild accent....

look at it .......... http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1293/539675960_6a35e68c73.jpg?v=0

solecism = so less lex - ism. Lexical is related to grammar as also in lexical anaylsis in a computer langauge.. so-less-lex-ism means more grammatical and awkward mistakes

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It's a funny one...When someone's shoe sole comes out it is a social blunder...

take the word "sole" from it...now imagine a hot blonde girl sleeping on parks bench alone(sole)..this is an awkward act...so solecism

SOcially or LExICally worthy of critiCISM = SOLECISM.

solecism is like socialism and sole(soul; pronunciation is same)in it.so if u don't live with soul in society it is awkward.

rember the movie shol;ay...in it were many socially awkward acts.so solecicm=sholay+cism

Singing a SOLO when you are a bad singer is socially awkward.

so(l)e(c)ism...interchange l and c...it sounds lyk socialism...but as u have interchanged them...both r opposites...!!!

Among racism and sexism, one of the major problems is lexism: judging people based on grammatical blunders (lexicon: vocabulary). Were you denied work because of your grammar mistakes? That's SO lexism...

so, deserving criticism...because it's wrong/flagrant

(also means grammatical mistake): I got an F on my paper but the professor's SOLE critiCISM was that I made one grammar mistake

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